Ranking and Recognition
“Vision to Reality”
Towards Excellence
TGWS stands as
Ranked No.1 Day -Cum-Boarding School in Education World's C-Fore Ranking , New Delhi , for the sixth consecutive year.(2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19,2019-20,2020-21)TGWS received Education World's 'India's Promising Pre School' Award in 2018-19.
Ranked 4 in India in Campus Architecture and design by Education World Grand Jury.
Digital Learning honored
TGWS with " Top School Brands in India in 2020-21"'Innovative Practices for Academic Excellence' in 2019-20,
'Innovation in Special Needs Education' in 2018-19
'Innovation in Campus Structure' Award in 2017-18
'Innovation inPedagogical Practices ' Award in 2016-17
Global Education Awards by Scoo news bestowed on TGWS
'The best School Infrastructure Award' in 2020-21'The Best SkillDevelopment Initiative' in 2019-20
'The Best School Infrastructure' Award in 2018-19
'Skill Enhancement Programmes in School'Award for the unique Leadership curriculum in 2017-18
Thiruvannamalai-Vellore Sahodaya CBSE school cluster again honoured TGWSfor bringing in 100% result in AISSE and AISSCE for the past 6 years.
India School Merit Awards by Education Today
for the one of the bestInternational Schools in India in 2019-20, 2018-19 and 2016-17.SEN provision Award- India's Top -50 Prestigious School in 2020-21.
International Accolades
TGWS received International Accreditation from GREE (Global Research forExcellence in Education), Singapore in 2018-19 - for contributions inacademic excellence in a holistic manner.International Ranking -Global Innovative School Awards 2019-Dubai(GISA-2019) for Innovative Pedagogy