Life through Leadership Activities
“Face to Face with Reality”
Life through leadership activities aim to enhance the leadership skills of students tapping their skills in persuasive communication, oration, creativity and critical thinking, thereby extracting the aesthetic leadership from students.
Every grade will have two activities, each month under life through leadership. Leadership is not only centered on risk taking and problem solving but also largely depends on persuasive communication, oratory skills, creative and critical thinking skills, aesthetic skills, etc. It is not a competition but a set of activities to motivate and enhance different skills among students. Therefore participation of every student is mandatory. Life through leadership is conducted twice in a month in the respective classrooms. All the activities under life through leadership have set rubrics and all the students will be receiving a set of rubrics where evaluation is marked. The winners of the activities receive certificates and points are forwarded to their leadership portfolios. All the participants receive appraisal stickers to encourage their enthusiasm and participation.
Some of the activities under Life through Leadership are:
Paper Quilting Craft
Bits to Beauty-Collage Making
Earthern Pot Vase Decoration
Debates and Declamations