Competitive Examinations
Facing the challenges ahead and preparing for risk-taking are two essential ingredients to leadership. Our students are always prepared for the same and as an essential part of this preparation, they face the competitive examinations which help them benchmark and evaluate their performance in terms of their scholastic skills.
Scientific Olympiad is usually administered at school which includes Science Olympiad, Maths Olympiad and Cyber Olympiad. Apart from these, the ASSET Benchmark assessments, help our students with performance evaluation and analysis, beyond their prescribed learning materials.
Spell Bee Tests are integral part of the curriculum and our students excel at all the levels.
TGWS, brings to the platter the best competitive exam coaching for our students getting ready for JEE and NEET through an Integrated Programme for Grade 11 and 12. Our school, in collaboration, with the experts in the field intends to provide best support to the students achieve their medical and engineering career aspirations.
- IIT/JEE/NEET integrated Programme & Advanced Programme for Grades 11 & 12
- IIT/NEET/JEE Foundation Programme for Grades 8 to 10